Ethics perception: evidence from accountants and accounting students in Brazil



ethics code, accountants’ ethics, ethics perception, Brazil.


Due to the new international ethics standards law, knowing what Brazilian accountants and accounting students perceive as ethical is extremely important. An online survey with 29 questions was conducted in MS/Brazil with different scenarios, involving different aspects that may influence someone’s decision, to assess the acceptance of unethical behaviors. The results showed difference in the ethics perception by students and accountants, but the difference was greater based on gender.

Biografia do Autor

Jessica de Morais Lima, FEARP/USP

Graduated in Accounting at the niversidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), MBA in Accounting in IFRS at the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Tributárias (INPET) and Master of Science in Accounting, Accounting Finance and Controller by the Universidade de São Paulo of Economics, Business and Accounting in Ribeirão Preto (FEA-RP/USP). Accountant at LM Contabilidade Ltda. 

Marcia Maria dos Santos Bortolocci Espejo, ESAN – Escola de Administração e Negócios - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS, Campo Grande/MS

PhD in Controller and Accounting by the Universidade de São Paulo (FEA/USP). Master of Science in Business by the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). General Chief of Post Graduate School (CPG) of the Research and Post Graduate Pro-Rectory (PROPP), in the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), and Associated Professor at the Escola de Administração e Negócios (ESAN/UFMS)

Marcelo Botelho da Costa Moraes, Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto – FEARP da Universidade de São Paulo

PhD in Economy, Organization and Management. Master of Science in Production Engineer and Professor in the School of Economics, Business and Accounting in Ribeirão Preto (FEA-RP). 

Emanoel Marcos Lima, ESAN – Escola de Administração e Negócios - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS, Campo Grande/MS

PhD and Master of Science in Accounting by the Universidade de São Paulo (FEA/USP). Post Graduated in Forensic and Financial Accounting Investigation by the Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (INPG/UCDB). Associated Professor at the Escola de Administração e Negócios  (ESAN/UFMS). 


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Como Citar

Lima, J. de M., Espejo, M. M. dos S. B., Moraes, M. B. da C., & Lima, E. M. (2019). Ethics perception: evidence from accountants and accounting students in Brazil. Interações (Campo Grande), 20(2), 645–655. Recuperado de