The Latin American Integration Route and local development in light of the constitutions of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentine and Chile




RILA, south-american constitutions, legal harmonization, local or regional development, latin-american integration


Based on the social, legal and economic implications imposed by globalization, as well as the integration between nations, this paper proposes to discuss the concept of development by analyzing the constitutions of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentine, and Chile, considering that a debate between academia and other institutions emerges in the Latin America integration context. This is an urgent and necessary dialogue to guide possible courses for this region. Countries from the most diverse continents already indicate a break in customs tariffs and the rise of new economic agreements, bringing countries of the Latin-American Integration Route (RILA) closer to the countries of today's greatest and most solid economic bloc, the European Union. This sets a precedent for the idea that RILA is becoming a macro-territory of increasing economic, social and legal visibility, which is a reason why thinking about regional development is a priority task, as well as drawing up studies and reflections that lead to a possible harmonization and integration of legal norms. These are tasks of the governments, academia, companies, and civil society. Furthermore, the present work discusses the need for legal grounds involving countries that make up the RILA, in order to provide greater legal security and dignity for the subjects involved in this intense process.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Oshiro Reynaldo, Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB)

Doctorate student and Master’s Degree in Local Development from the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB). Graduated in Geography at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) and Law at UCDB. Teacher of Geography and Current Affairs at schools from the private sector in Campo Grande, MS, as well as in prepping courses for military exams, focusing at the ESPCEX exam. Voluntary researcher in extension and researching groups linked to the Route of Latin American Integration (RILA).

Lucio Flávio Joichi Sunakozawa, State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS)

Doctorate in Law at the University of São Paulo (USP). Master’s Degree in Local Development at the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), with focus in the area of Sustainable Development, Collective Environment of Innovation and Disruptive Technologies. Effective member of the Research and Post-Graduation Commission of the Federal Board of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).

Arlinda Cantero Dorsa, Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB)

Currently attending the postdoctoral internship at the Augusto Motta University Center (UNISUAM), in the Master’s Degree and Doctorate Program in Local Development. Doctorate in Portuguese Language at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Master’s Degree in Communication and Languages at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Graduated in Languages in French at the Dom Aquino Philosophy, Science and Languages College. Graduated in Pedagogy at the Urubupungá Education, Science and Languages College. Full Professor of the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), in the Law Course. Professor and vice-coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program in Local Development – Master’s Degree and Doctorate of UCDB. Member of the Historic and Geographic Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul. Leader of the Group of Research in Cultural Heritage, Rights and Diversities, and vice-leader of the Group of Research and Studies in Educational Technology and Distance Learning (GEDEC) of UCDB. Coordinates the project “Bioceanic Route and UNIRILA (Universities of the Route of Latin American Integration): Learning the existing potentialities as new spaces of development and innovative practices – Continuity”, and the project “Migratory governances in Brazil: Contemporary challenges in the 2030 ONU agenda.”


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How to Cite

Reynaldo, G. O. ., Sunakozawa, L. F. J., & Dorsa, A. C. (2021). The Latin American Integration Route and local development in light of the constitutions of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentine and Chile. Interações (Campo Grande), 22(4), 1133–1144.