The diffusion of technologies in the agricultural environment in the Caatinga − a region with a semi-arid climate in Brazil
perennial harvest, rainfed agriculture, production frontier, knowledge management, productive systemsAbstract
The use of technologies directly influences agribusiness productivity, being crucial for economically viable production in environments with adverse climate conditions, such as the Brazilian semiarid region. Thus, this article analyzes, through a systematic review, the technologies used in the agricultural environment in the Brazilian semiarid climate region, the Caatinga biome. The results initially present technologies for coexistence with the semiarid region or social techniques, with emphasis on methods of soil management, use of rainwater, and preparation of animal feed. About the technologies themselves, the evidence converges to the technological use directed to the viability of production, diversification, and harvest time, mainly for irrigated crops. Furthermore, genetic improvement also contributed to the propagation of resistant crops and the increase in the population of animals. At the same time, it was possible to identify the technological level of agricultural activity in the Caatinga, which, in most of the biome, has low use of technologies, characterized by subsistence activities, family labor, and monoculture, on the other hand, in local centers agricultural systems, there is the use of integrated systems and biologically-based agriculture.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marcelo Borba, Edileide Ramos, Eduardo Barros, João Dessimon

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