The Latin American Integration Route (RILA): challenges of education from the perspective of the sustainable development goals (ODS)




Education, SDG, 2030 Agenda, RILA, Bioceanic Corridor


The Latin American Integration Route (RILA) aims to connect the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, with the objective of creating a new path for exports, starting in Brazil from the municipality of Porto Murtinho, passing through Paraguayan and Argentinean territory until reaching the Chilean ports. This road infrastructure is expected to establish links between the regions and, above all, a look at social, economic, environmental, cultural and legal issues, meeting the aspects addressed by the 2030 Agenda. The systemic plan of action for people, for the planet and for prosperity proposed by the 2030 Agenda is aimed at tackling critical issues for the planet and humanity. In this context, the present study leans from the synergistic relationship between SDGs 4, 8 and 17, especially addressing education in the context of the Route, with the aim of presenting the specificities of each of the mentioned countries in the search for the current scenario of human capital, in view of the problems that are yet to come with the implementation of the Latin American Integration Route in the educational field. In this way, the present study is structured in five topics, of bibliographical research with recent data and documental analysis, aiming at the production of new knowledge, thus characterizing itself as a research of a basic nature with a quali-quantitative approach, due to the emphasis given to the qualitative data presented. As a result, it was verified that the member countries still need to undertake greater efforts and actions to guarantee a quality and inclusive education in their territories, mainly in view of the imminence of the implementation of the Bioceanic Corridor.

Author Biographies

Mariana De Barros Casagranda Akamine, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Architect and Urbanist from Anhanguera University - Uniderp (2012). Doctoral student in Local Development at the Dom Bosco Catholic University - UCDB. Master in Local Development from Dom Bosco Catholic University - UCDB (2021). Post-graduated in lato sensu specialization level in Interior Design by Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB (2017). Post-graduated in lato sensu specialization level in Architectural and Urban Sustainable Environmental Rehabilitation by the University of Brasília - UNB (2014). He served as a professor at Anhanguera University - Uniderp in the Architecture and Urbanism, Technology in Multimedia Production and Civil Engineering Courses (2014-2019). He held a position in the Intermediate Management and Advisory Committee, at the State Department of Education, developing activities in the area of ​​Architecture and Urbanism (2019). Lecturer at Unigran Capital University Center, in the Architecture and Urbanism Course (2020-2022).

Edilene Maria de Oliveira, Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS)

Doctorado y máster en Desarrollo Local en el Contexto de Territorialidades en la Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB).

Hanae Caroline Quintana Shiota, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Estudiante de Doctorado y máster en Desarrollo Local en el Contexto de Territorialidades en la Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB). Becaria Fundect/MS.


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How to Cite

Akamine, M. D. B. C., Oliveira, E. M. de ., & Shiota, H. C. Q. . (2023). The Latin American Integration Route (RILA): challenges of education from the perspective of the sustainable development goals (ODS). Interações (Campo Grande), 24(4), e2444216.

