Human rights and offenses against honor in the digital era




Human Rights, Digital Era, Freedom of expression, Crimes against honor, Cybercrimes


This article addresses the theme of offenses against honor in the digital era and analyzes how Brazilian legislation combats these infractions. With the advancement of technology and the advent of the internet, the dissemination of information and quick access to social networks have provided a conducive environment for the spread of insults and defamatory information. In this context, offenses against honor - slander, defamation, and insult - take on new dimensions and challenges in the digital era. Given this scenario, the central objective of this work is to provide an in-depth analysis of offenses against honor in the Digital Era, elucidating their characteristics, the legal treatment established by Brazilian legislation, and the intrinsic relationship with Human Rights. The aim is to understand how technological evolution has influenced the commission of these offenses and how the legal system must adapt to this new reality, ensuring the protection of essential values for societal coexistence. The methodology employed in this research will be bibliographic in nature, based on qualitative and quantitative sources, with analysis of doctrines, scientific articles, case law, and relevant legal norms on the subject. The results of this research point to the need for broader and updated legislation to address offenses against honor in the digital era. Technological evolution has brought new forms of propagation of insults, such as social networks and messaging applications, which demand a more effective approach by legal authorities in identifying and holding offenders accountable.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Victorio Pollak, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Acadêmica do curso de Direito da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Estudante.

Pedro Pereira Borges, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Bacharelado em Pedagogia e Filosofia na Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Sacerdote.


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How to Cite

Pollak, F. V. ., & Borges, P. P. . (2024). Human rights and offenses against honor in the digital era. Multitemas, 29(71), 29–51.