Sustainable sheep farming in the Pantanal: a systematic literature review
local breeds, thematic evolution, systematic review, sustainable sheep, Pantanal biomeAbstract
This article aimed to carry out a systematic review of academic production and standards in the literature on financially profitable sheep farming production systems and with economic, social, and environmental sustainability practices in the biomes in which they are developed. The technique used was the one of structuring in population, outcome, and type of study to define the question, followed by search, extraction, and selection of articles through paired analysis. There was a thematic evolution in the approaches in four periods analyzed. Relevant publications were identified in citations of sustainable sheep farming, with emphasis on Europe, Australia, and Brazil. No study describing sustainable sheep farming in the Pantanal biome was selected. Currently, the focus of production remains on the profitability; however, the ecological and social impacts gain prominence, and creations with local breeds threatened with extinction arise as a possibility for a sustainable production chain development that strengthens the local economy.
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