The energy use of biogas as a tool for the goals of sustainable development




energy, environmental impacts, greenhouse gases, climate change, methane


The global demand for energy and food generates, both in the countryside and in the city, environmental impacts, and many of these are due to the poor disposal of organic waste. One way to minimize these impacts on the environment is to carry out the treatment of waste generated in the various sectors. Among the possibilities for treating organic waste is anaerobic digestion. After this process, there is the production of biogas, which is composed of several gases, including methane and carbon dioxide as the main ones. Biogas has energy potential, being able to generate electrical and thermal energy, in addition to being used in the form of biomethane. With the diversity of energy applications and the possibility of reducing waste, both anaerobic digestion and biogas contribute to the implementation and application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals have a wide scope, ranging from the need for basic sanitation, clean and accessible energy for all, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption, to actions against global climate change, through the reduction of greenhouse gases. The objective of this work is to relate the SDGs and the anaerobic digestion of organic waste projects, which contribute both to the significant improvement of a community or region, as well as to environmental, social, and economic issues. The methodology used was the analysis of the concepts served by the use of the anaerobic digestion system in accordance with the objectives, goals, and sub-targets of the SDGs. The interrelation of at least five SDGs was observed: 6, 7, 11, 12, and 13. The use of anaerobic systems with the use of biogas helps in the substitution and/or reduction of energy sources not renewable resources, which can be applied both in the city and in the countryside, promoting a better quality of life for all.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Pereira Lins, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana

Doutorando em Energia e Sustentabilidade pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). Mestre em Tecnologias Ambientais pela Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR). Especialista em Gestão Ambiental em Municípios, e em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho, pela UTFPR; e em Energias Renováveis com Ênfase em Biogás, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Engenheiro ambiental pela Faculdade União das Américas (UNIAMÉRICA). Analista ambiental no Centro Internacional de Energias Renováveis – Biogás (CIBiogás-ER)

Janine Carvalho Padilha , Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)

Degree in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, having completed her undergraduate course in 2002, she developed her doctorate in Material Sciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS between the years 2003 and 2007, having also obtained a doctorate in Chemistry from the University of Rennes 1, France, where he worked in 2005, under joint supervision. She did postdoctoral fellow at the State University of Campinas, Unicamp, in the area of energy planning. She has experience in the field of Chemistry, with an emphasis on electrochemistry, working on topics such as ionic liquids, renewable energies, hydrogen, fuel and water electrolysis. She served as a teacher of general chemistry and chemistry applied at UFRGS in 2007. She is currently a professor of chemistry at UNILA and works in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Energy and Sustainability.

Andréia Cristina Furtado, Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)

Chemical Engineer from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2001), Master's in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2004) and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Maringá (2009). She has experience in Chemical Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: heterogeneous catalysis, chemical reactors, ethanol, steam reforming, hydrogen, noble metals and parallel reactions, biofuels. Since 2011, she has been a professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration, in Foz do Iguaçu-PR. In the current phase, he is a Class D Professor - Associate, Level 01. At UNILA, she participated in two terms as a representative of ILATIT at CONSUN, was coordinator of the Chemical Engineering course in two terms and effectively participated in the process of creation and recognition of this course. Since 2019, she has been working in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Energy and Sustainability, as a teacher and advisor for masters and doctoral degrees.

Jessica Yuki de Lima Mito, Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)

Environmental Engineer - by the University Center União Dinâmica das Cataratas - UDC (2013). Specialist in Environmental Management of Municipalities (2015) and Specialist in Technologies of the Biogas Production Chain (2019) - both from the Federal Technological University of Paraná. She worked at the International Center for Renewable Energy - Biogas, CIBiogás - ER, in the area of ​​Environmental Projects and Research and Development (R&D), developing studies and technical projects in the area of ​​production, transport and storage of biogas, technical feasibility studies, economy, as well as monitoring the production and use of biogas in the Technological Reference Units of the Itaipu Renewable Energy Platform. She has experience in the treatment of agricultural, agro-industrial and urban waste (2012-2015). She worked as a Business Feasibility Analyst at the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation (FPTI), in the area of ​​Territorial Development. She implemented, at FPTI, a methodology for measuring intangible assetsI, as well as measuring the intangible assets of the Itaipu Technological Park (2016-2017). From 2017-2021 she worked at CIBiogás developing content related to biogas, training professionals and identifying opportunities for the sector. She is currently a Technical Consultant on Waste to Energy at Instituto17 in the Energy Program for Brazil (BEP).


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How to Cite

Lins, L. P., Padilha , J. C., Furtado, A. C., & Mito, J. Y. de L. (2022). The energy use of biogas as a tool for the goals of sustainable development. Interações (Campo Grande), 23(4), 1275–1286.