Compared educative practices, geopolitics, and cultural territory: the internationalization in the Bioceânica Educativa Project/ FUNDECT MS/CNPq
Compared educative practices, geopolitics, cultural territory, Bioceanic Route, internationalizationAbstract
This article aims to describe how three conceptual categories in the Bioceânica Educativa Project are linked and give an identity to the paradigm of internationalization of higher education assumed for the project. Theoretically, it is developed assuming internationalization as the fourth mission of the University, with methodological help from the Case Study and the Studies in Comparative Education. Contextually, it takes place on the horizon of the Latin American Integration Route (RILA/Rota Bioceânica). It is emphasized that any internationalization project demands a multilevel reading, as the Bioceânica Educativa imposes the need for knowledge and practices of university diplomacy, between education systems, awareness of international geopolitics and territorial cultural apprehension as four historical, politically, and socially diverse geographical realities are involved. Thus, for the Bioceânica Educativa Project, the possibility of continuing to contribute to studies and research in HEI from a metatheoretical vision is presented, playing more to highlight the possibilities of tension and relaxation of interuniversity and international relations.
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