Food pyramid adapted for autistic children




feeding behavior, autistic disorder, diet


The food pyramid is a representative form of nutrition education and guidance. It can be used in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurological disorder that leads to delayed communication, social interaction, repetitive movements, and food selectivity. The objective of this work was to elaborate a pyramid adapted for autistic children from three to five years old. It was a bibliographic and methodological study, whose pyramid was built from a standard diet of 1,575 kcal, including portions in grams and household measures for eight food groups and their energy equivalents through the Dietbox software. The diet was distributed in six meals with 19.2% of proteins, 53.8% of carbohydrates and 27.1% of lipids. The proposed pyramid is a nutritional intervention tool that can provide social inclusion through a greater link between children with ASD and their food and nutritional conditions.

Author Biographies

Glória Maria Soares Melo, Hospital Regional Norte, Sobral, Ceará, Brasil.

Bacharel em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário UNINTA. Nutricionista do Hospital Regional Norte, em Sobral, Ceará.

Jorge Luís Pereira Cavalcante, Centro Universitário Inta - UNINTA

Doutorando em Nutrição pela Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) e pela Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI). Bacharel em Nutrição pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Nutricionista da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Fortaleza, Ceará. Docente do Curso de Bacharelado em Nutrição do Centro Universitário UNINTA, Sobral, Ceará, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Melo, G. M. S., & Cavalcante, J. L. P. (2023). Food pyramid adapted for autistic children. Multitemas, 28(68), 5–23.